Of the things I did was find an app. that adds a bunch of fun and useful features to my phone. There are so many uses for Smartphones in life, and in the classroom. I was startled by the fact that the number of mobile devices in schools jumped from 29% in 2011, to 49% presently. Once enterprise wireless is complete at your school, students with Smartphones will be able to use them in class. To prepare, you can test them out on your phone and find the ones that you expect would be best for your classroom. A few are summarized below:
Student feedback and formative assessments:
In class polling/quizzes can be used to solicit student feedback and a formative assessment tool. One that only requires the cell phone to have text messaging capabilities is Poll Everywhere, and another that requires at least a web browser (most non-Smartphones are capable of web browsing) is Socrative. They claim it takes 3 minutes to set up and 20 sec. to load, complete the demo here. Or use the polling or quiz feature in Edmodo, students would need to have the app downloaded to complete this.

Sharing In-Class Readings and Handouts:
There are quite a few apps that allow for the storage of handouts, but do require that the students use Smartphones.
Dropbox, and Box allow for simple and secure sharing of documents. As does the Library feature in Edmodo.

Some apps can help with conducting and organizing research. EasyBib creates accurate MLA, APA, and Chicago style citations, the link for the iPhone is here, and the link for the Android here. Evernote, help students organize their research by storing web clippings, recorded audio clips and written notes. You can also create a Notebook that you can share with students. Your Smartphone can be turned into a scanner that creates documents using images with Genius Scan. Google Drive fka Doc.’s and the Google Search App can be helpful resources for research.

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