The webquest is differentiated for the different grades, and for differing levels of complexity, allowing for the engagement and challenge for all students. My favorite challenge is figuring out the shortest road trip distance the candidate would need to take to receive 270 votes (assuming every state they visit will vote for him).
Students engage in writing, technology, and math skills, through writing prompts, the use of online resources and Excel spreadsheets.
The students were first introduced to the webquest in the classroom and they have approximately 2.5 weeks to complete it. Close to the due date the students work in the computer lab, and are expected to show up having most of their work organized on a USB drive, to facilitate a successful finish of the project.
Links to this webquest and other Election resources are listed below:
- Electoral College Webquest:
- Edmodo Election Resources (for all subjects/grade-levels), including a presidential debate bingo click on “Collection” next to “Community”
- Election based lesson plans and games:

This is amazing! Kudos to Linda Asher. Does LCMS have permission to use this as well?