Sunday, October 14, 2012

Edmodo Notifications and Privacy Settings

It’s awesome to see so many people in the district signing up for Edmodo, and into the SDD group! More people can lead to greater effectiveness, but also a lot more messages in your email inbox, and concerns about privacy. See the notes below from Edmdo’s Help section (with my comments in parenthesis) to address these issues.:
Login and click <Account <Settings:

  1. Stop receiving notifications from one group: If you want to stop receiving messages from one group, select that group, select "Advanced Settings," then DEselect "Send Notifications." This will allow you to keep receiving emails from other groups.

  2. Set notifications – [Or click on “Email & Text Updates”]. Click on the notifications [or “Notification Type”] drop-down menu to choose from email or text notifications. Email notifications will be sent to the email address associated with your Edmodo account. If you select text notifications, enter your 10-digit phone number and select your current mobile provider. You will need to verify your phone number in order to enable text alerts.

  3. Notification Type – Select the type of notifications you’d like to receive by checking the box next to one or more of these choices: Alerts, Notes, Direct Messages, Replies or New Group Members. [I would suggest leaving at least “Direct Messages” and “Replies.”]

  4. Privacy – Teachers may choose to block connection requests or only make their profile visible to their personal network by checking the appropriate box under privacy settings (located in the lower right-hand section of the Settings page. (Students have very high privacy settings defaulted).

If you have other questions, Edmodo's Help section is pretty comprehensive, check it out here. You can also attend one of my Edmodo sessions during Staff Development Day, to learn more about how to use this in your classroom and as a collaboration tool. In the G-1 classroom at 10:40, and the other starts at 12:40. 

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