While your relaxing this summer you may want to take the time to add some new tools to your toolkit. The media specialists have created two self-paced classes that are topical and can be accessed at your leisure. The first course was designed in our Moodle LMS environment. It is a Common Core Resources course that gives you the latest news about Common Core with tools for creating lessons and rubrics. To access this class click on this link: Common Core Standards Training
The next class was developed using iTunes U. This is a relatively new tool that allows course managers to create online courses. I have created the Flipped Classroom. To access this course you will need to download the iTunesU app on your phone or device. Once the app is downloaded select the Catalog Button at the top right of the app then select Enroll and add the code, FML-7W8-MHA.. The course will give you an outline and within each outline there are a series of posts with resources to view and use. Hope you find these useful! Enjoy!
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